Choosing the right license type for your arivis software

This article explores the various considerations when choosing what type of license to purchase.


arivis software uses a licensing system provided by a third party to restrict and protect the use of the software and its distribution.

The license dictates:

  • What tools you have access to (e.g. tracking, batch analysis, volume fusion)
  • On what machine the software can be used
  • How many users can use the software at any one time

Aside from what modules are included, the main distinction in license types is between Local/ Vs Floating and Soft Vs Hard keys

Soft Vs Hard Licenses

  • Soft Licenses are linked to a specific computer. This is the default configuration. The license is configured at the time of installation by use of an activation key, which, once activated, locks the license to a specific machine. 
  • Hard Licenses are attached to a hardware "dongle". 
Task Soft Key Hard Key
Activation Activation key entered by user on destination machine

Configured prior to shipping, no activation required

Transfer Requires de-activation from initial PC then re-activation on destination PC Unplug USB key from initial PC, plug it in to the destination PC
Upgrade/Update Managed through license tool
Conversion between floating/local Done in software through license tool Requires new USB key

Local Vs Floating Licenses

  • Local licenses can only be used on the computer that the license is physically attached to.
  • Floating licenses are attached to a "License server" which distributes out the license to other computers on the same network. The license server need not run the software at all and just needs to be able to run the license utility and be on the same network as the clients (whether it is the same physical network or a VPN).

Typical Configurations

The scenarios below describe some common configurations of the licensing system. For hardware recommendations in each case, please check this article on choosing the right hardware for arivis.

Single user, one workstation

If you intend to have one image analysis computer and only ever use the license on that computer for the lifetime of the workstation, then a Soft Local license is generally the best option.  A soft license can also be programmed to allow remote desktop access over RDP. The license and processing are both permanently fixed to this hardware unless the license is deactivated and transferred to another computer

Single user, multiple workstations

If you intend to regularly use your license on different computers (maybe you have a desktop and laptop you regularly use), then a floating license is a better option as it will allow you to use any of your systems as long as they are on the same network. A Virtual Private Network can be used if the machines aren't on the same physical network. If using a local network or VPN is not practical for you, purchasing an HL key may be a more convenient solution.

Multiple users, distributed workstation

If you intend for multiple users to use the license concurrently, you intend for them to use their own workstation or both, then a floating license is needed.

The license is activated on a computer designated as the license server and distributed out over the network. the license server does not need to be able to run Vision4D, only the license utility is required.

Each user must install the software on their workstation and those workstations must meet the minimum requirements for Vision4D and be on the same network as the license server.

If the networking requirements can't be met for whatever reason, you may also want to consider purchasing multiple HL keys which users can then physically borrow while they use the software. Note that in such cases the user is responsible for the safekeeping of those keys.

Multiple users, shared workstation

If you don't intend the users to use the workstation concurrently then you may consider this as equivalent to the single user/single workstation above.

If you want multiple users to share the workstation concurrently then you will need to consider both the hardware and software requirements differently.

If you want to use a server style setup with RDP or VMs, the license can be set up as a multi-user local license, but it may be more practical for it to be set up as a floating license which may be activated on any computer on the network but most likely be the imaging workstation. You will also need to ensure that the machine has the hardware capabilities to handle multiple simultaneous users (see choosing the right hardware).