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How to perform : «Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE)»

The application-note purpose is to guide the user in applying the contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) algorithm.

The CLAHE algorithm partitions the images into contextual regions and applies the histogram equalization to each one. This evens out the distribution of used grey values and thus makes hidden features of the image more visible. The full grey spectrum is used to express the image.

Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization, CLAHE, is an improved version of AHE, or Adaptive Histogram Equalization. Both overcome the limitations of standard histogram equalization.

NOTE: The Anaconda3 Package and the OpenCV module are required to run the script. Please refer to the AN #20 for more details.

Download Full "Clahe» PDF

Download the "Clahe_Rev6 (4_0)" Python Script